Monday, March 15, 2010

Litmos is now a SCORM 1.2 Certified LMS

When you take on the task of building a Learning Management System (LMS) from scratch you're actually designing and building a system to manage content, training courses, people and reporting information. A great deal of planning, design, analysis, testing, time, energy, sweat, re-building, re-designing, and re-testing goes in to it, and it's fair to say that it is a large scale project.

With that one nailed, we moved on to the next challenge: becoming SCORM conformant.

When it came to - what we now know as the 'rather large' undertaking of - adopting the SCORM eLearning standard, we accepted the challenge throwing all caution to the wind. Although, in retrospect we must have had some idea of what we were in for, as it did take the better part of a year to convince our development team to go for it.

Now only five months on, we can officially announce that Litmos has been certified by ADL as a SCORM 1.2 Learning Management System! You can see our name on their list of certified products here.

I hope you will take a moment to read today's press release for more details on what this all means.

Right, now on to the next challenge...

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