Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The who's who of DevLearn - beginning next week! #DL10

It's not too late if you live in the US, but even better if you are close to San Francisco! The biggest eLearning event of the year - DevLearn 2010 - begins next week on November 3rd at the San Francisco Marriott Marquis. I can tell you from past experience that if you're in the learning, eLearning or corporate training game, you do not want to miss it!

You can still register online for the full conference until Friday 29th October here. But at the very least you can register for the free Expo only area where you can check out all the latest vendor offerings, plus you can participate in the following learning stages: Mobile Jam, Learning Media Studio, Social Learning Camp, Serious Games Zones, not to mention DemoFest and the Brandon Hall Excellence in Learning Awards! You can register here for the Expo Only pass.

But, if like me, you really can't make it this year then at least get yourself prepared to catch as much of the info that'll be flying by as possible by following these tips:
  1. Follow the Twitter hashtags #DL10 and #DevLearn
  2. Join in the Alternate Reality Game (ARG) that is already up and running in Dr. StrangeLearn's Laboratory and follow the hashtag #DL10arg
  3. Check out BackChatter and get involved in the game of trend spotting while the event is running
  4. Most definitely add all of who I would call 'the usual suspects' to your Twitter following list (in no particular order) as they'll be sure to be tweeting:
Oh, and you can also follow me as I'll be keeping a close eye on the DevLearn tweet stream as it unfolds and  I'll be re-tweeting lots of the interesting ideas I see.

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