Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Vote Now - Best of Elearning! Awards 2011 #Litmos #LMS

It's rolled around again and the polls are now open for the Elearning! 2011 awards.

If you have 20 seconds to spare (you know you do!), please click on the link below to vote for Litmos in Category #1:"Best Learning Management System (SaaS, Cloud-based, or open-source only)"

Here's all you need to do:

  1. Click on the vote now link below
  2. Fill in category #1: Best Learning Management System (SaaS, Cloud-based, or open-source only) as per the pic below - with your own spin of course :-)

3. Vote for more categories if you like, scroll down, fill in your details and click Submit.

Thank you from the team at Litmos!
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